How to create E-Way Bill against an invoice using JioGST Bill Lite

Creating E-Way Bill in JioGST Bill Lite

To create E-Way Bill against an invoice in JioGST Bill Lite follow the below mentioned steps.

1. Go to the Invoice from the Document History tab and scroll to the bottom of the invoice. 
Tap on 'Option' button, a list of options will be displayed, tap on 'View/Generate E-Way Bill'

2. You will be taken on the E-Way Bill screen. If you have already generated E-Way Bills against this invoice it will be displayed here. To create a new E-Way Bill tap on 'Generate E-Way Bill button'.

3. Enter your NIC login credentials and tap on 'Validate' button
Please note: To create E-Way Bills using Bill Lite you will first have to register in the NIC portal

After registration login in NIC portal using your credentials and register for GSP by selecting Reliance Corporate IT Park Limited as your GSP.

4. Once your NIC credentials are verified fill in the details like:

  • Kms to be traveled- Enter the Kms to be traveled for the movement of Goods
  • Mode of Transport- Select the mode of transport of Goods. It can be Rail/Road/Air/Ship and tap on 'Generate E-Way Bill' button
  • Once you select the mode of transport additional details like Vehicle type, Vehicle No/ RR No/Airway Bill No/Bill of Loading No, Transporter name, Transporter Id, Document date needs to be filled.

  • Once all the details are filled, tap on Generate E-Way Bill button. A pop up showing the E-Way Bill number will be displayed. Tap on 'OK' button.

You can now see the E-Way Bill generated on this page. Tapping on the E-Way Bill number will display the E-Way Bill. You get options to 'Download' or 'Cancel' the E-way Bill. Cancelled E-Way Bill cannot be used for any consignments.

How to Download JioGST Bill Lite?

How to upload data from Bill Lite to JioGST portal

To upload data from Bill Lite to JioGST portal follow the below mentioned steps:

1. Go to 'Upload data to JioGST' option from the main menu

2. You will be taken to the 'JioGST data Upload Management' page

3. On this page you will see 3 options

a. Settings: 
Here you can select the Upload type

Upload type can be 
  • Auto Upload- Data from Bill Lite will automatically be uploaded to JioGST portal everyday at 11.59 pm.
  • Manual Upload- Data from Bill Lite will be uploaded to JioGST portal only when you manually click the Upload button.
  • Both- Data from Bill Lite will be automatically uploaded everyday at 11.59 pm and also when you upload it manually.
Select one of the upload types and tap on 'Save' button. 

b. Upload:
To upload the data from Bill Lite to JioGST portal manually, tap on this button.
For uploading data to JioGST for the first time, you will have to enter your valid JioGST portal credentials and tap on 'Login' button.

Please Note: You should already have an account at JioGST portal to Upload the data from Bill Lite. If you do not have an account, register at

Now in the 'Upload data' page, select the GSTIN and the period for which you want to upload your data, tap on 'Upload' button

A pop-up showing the past uploaded status will appear on the screen. Tap on 'OK' button.

Another pop- up displaying the details about the current upload will be shown. Tap on 'OK' button

c. History:
To check the status of your Upload, tap on 'History' option. you will be taken to the upload status page. On this page, select the GSTIN whose upload status you want to check and tap on 'Show History' button.

You will see the months for which you have uploaded the data. Tap on the Month to see the status of the upload.

You will see the status of the uploaded data, status can be 'Success' or 'Failed'. Additional details like the type of upload i.e. Manual or Auto Upload and Upload time will also be displayed.

4. The uploaded data from Bill Lite will now reflect in JioGST portal under draft GSTR-1 for the respective GSTIN and month.

How to Download JioGST Bill Lite?

Bill Lite is a software product built by JioGST

How to create Purchase entries in JioGST Bil Lite

Creating Purchase entries in JioGST Bill Lite

To create Purchase entries follow the below mentioned steps

1. Go to 'Purchase Entries' in the 'Documents' tab

2. You will be taken to the 'Generate Purchase entry' page. On this page fill the below details:

  • Select your GSTIN: From the drop down select the GSTIN against which you want to create Purchase entry. Drop down will list all the added GSTIN's.
  • Purchase Of: Purchases can be for Goods/Services. Select one of the options
  • Purchase From: Mention whether you purchased goods/services from a registered/unregistered dealer by selecting one of the options.
  • GSTIN of the supplier: Enter the GSTIN of the supplier. If you have purchased from an Unregistered dealer then no need to fill this field.
  • Name of the Supplier: Enter the name of the supplier from whom you have made purchases.
  • Pincode of Supplier: Enter the first few digits of the supplier's Pin code. A list of Pin code will appear, select the correct pin code.
  • State of Supplier: This field will be auto-populated based on the Pin code entered in the above field.
  • Address of Supplier: Enter the supplier's address in this field.
  • Purchase Date: Enter e date in which the Purchase was made.
  • Invoice Number: Enter the Invoice Number 
  • Invoice period: If you are creating Purchase entries for services then mention the duration for which the service was rendered. For Goods this field will not be visible.
  • Place of Supply: Enter the Place where the Goods/Services were supplied.
  • Reverse Charge applicable: If the entry attracts reverse charge then check the box against it.
  • Billing Address: Enter the address against which the bill was made.
  • Shipping address same as Billing address: If Shipping address is same as Billing than check the box against this field else enter the Shipping address
  • Bill Method: Select the Billing method from the drop down. It can be either be Quantity based or Lumpsum

          Add Goods/Services
  • Service Name: Select the Service from the drop down. Drop down will list all the services added by you in the Service Master
  • Unit of measurement: This will be auto-populated from the masters.
  • Quantity: Enter the quantity of Goods/Services purchased from the supplier
  • Amount: This will be auto-calculated.
  • Cess: Enter the Cess for the selected Goods/Services
  • Discount: Enter the discount if given against the selected Goods/Services

  • Once you fill these details tap on 'Add' button. The added Goods/Services will be seen, you can even 'Edit' and 'Delete' them. Multiple goods/services can be added in a single purchase entry.

    Additional Charges
  • Name: Select the additional charges from the drop down. It will list all the additional charges added in the master.
  • Amount: This will be auto-populated form the master. You can even edit the amount.

  • Once the details are filled tap on 'Add' button. The added additional charge will be displayed, you also get the option to 'Edit' or 'Delete' the added additional charges.

    Footer Note:
You can even enter additional details like the suppliers bank account no, mobile no in the Footer Note. The added details will be visible in the Purchase entries.

3. Once all the above mentioned details are filled tap on 'Preview Final Document'. You will now be taken to the Preview screen. Here you can preview the Purchase entry before creation.

4. In case you want to change/modify the entry you can tap on 'Edit' button else you can create the Purchase entry by tapping on 'Save & Close'.

5. A pop-up for confirmation will appear. Tap on 'Save' button to create the Purchase Entry else cancel.

Purchase Entry will be created successfully. A pop up with the document number will be displayed. Tap on 'OK' button.

You can see all the purchase entries in the Purchase History under the Documents management tab.

How to Download JioGST Bill Lite?

Bill Lite is a software product built by JioGST

How to create a Debit note in JioGST Bill Lite

Creating a Debit Note against an Invoice in JioGST Bill Lite

To create Debit Note follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Select the Invoice from the 'Document History' in 'Documents Management' tab.
Scroll down to the bottom of the Invoice you will see the below options on tapping the 'Option' Button.

2. Tap on 'View/Create Credit/Debit Note' option.
You will be taken to the below 'Credit/Debit note' screen.
Here you will see details of already created Credit/Debit note against this invoice. If you have not created any Credit/Debit note no data will be available. To create a new Credit/Debit note tap on 'Create Credit/Debit note' button.

3. This is the 'Generate Credit Note/Debit note' page.
On this page fill the below mentioned details:

  • Choose Note type:
    Select either option of Credit or Debit note creation. To create a Debit Note tap on 'Debit Note' option
  • Choose regime type:
    Select whether the invoice was created during Pre-GST or Post-GST period
  • Select a reason:
    Select a reason for the creation of Credit/Debit note from the available options in the drop-down.

  • Goods/Services details:
    Select the Goods/Services against which debit note is to be created. You can select all or selective Goods/Services. Once you check the check box against a Good/Service, the 'Debit Note Details' column will be enabled.
    Enter details like the Quantity, Taxable value, Tax rate % and Cess to create Debit Note. Once these details are filled the 'Value after tax' will be auto-calculated.

You will also see the sum of the values of all Debit Notes previously created if any against this Invoice in 'DN value previously created'

Once all the details are filled, tap on 'Preview Debit Note' button.
You will be taken to the preview page where a draft of Debit Note will be seen. If all the details are correct tap on 'Send Debit Note' button else tap on 'Edit' button to make changes.

Once you tap on 'Send Debit Note' button, Debit Note will be created and an email with pdf of the debit note will be sent to you along with the customer.

Debit Note is generated successfully. Tap on 'OK' button.

You can view this Debit Note by selecting the Invoice from Document History and tap on 'View/Create Credit/Debit Note' option

The debit note will be displayed in the below format. You can also create multiple Debit notes against this invoice by tapping on 'Create Credit/Debit Note' button.

How to Download JioGST Bill Lite?

Bill Lite is a software product built by JioGST

How to create Credit Notes in JioGST Bill Lite

Creating a Credit Note against an Invoice in JioGST Bill Lite

To create Credit Note follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Select the Invoice from the 'Document History' in 'Documents Management' tab.
Scroll down to the bottom of the Invoice you will see the below options on tapping the 'Option' Button.

2. Tap on 'View/Create Credit/Debit Note' option.
You will be taken to the below 'Credit/Debit note' screen.
Here you will see details of already created Credit/Debit note against this invoice. If you have not created any Credit/Debit note no data will be available. To create a new Credit/Debit note tap on 'Create Credit/Debit note' button.

3. This is the 'Generate Credit Note/Debit note' page.
On this page fill the below mentioned details:

  • Choose Note type:
    Select either option of Credit or Debit note creation. To create a Credit Note tap on 'Credit Note' option
  • Choose regime type:
    Select whether the invoice was created during Pre-GST or Post-GST period
  • Select a reason:
    Select a reason for the creation of Credit/Debit note from the available options in the drop-down
  • Goods/Services details:
    Select the Goods/Services against which credit note is to be created. You can select all or selective Goods/Services. Once you check the check box against a Good/Service, the 'Credit Note Details' column will be enabled.
    Enter details like the Quantity, Taxable value, Tax rate % and Cess to create Credit Note. Once these details are filled the 'Value after tax' will be auto-calculated.

Please Note: The Value after tax for the Credit Note should not be greater than the Value after tax for the Original product. 
You will also see the sum of the values of all Credit Notes previously created if any against this Invoice in 'CN value previously created'

Once all the details are filled, tap on 'Preview Credit Note' button.
You will be taken to the preview page where a draft of Credit Note will be seen. If all the details are correct tap on 'Send Credit Note' button else tap on 'Edit' button to make changes.

Once you tap on 'Send Credit Note' button, Credit Note will be created and an email with pdf of the credit note will be sent to you along with the customer.

Credit Note is generated successfully. Tap on 'OK' button.

You can view this credit Note by selecting the Invoice from Document History and tap on 'View/Create Credit/Debit Note' option

The credit Note will be displayed in the below format. You can also create multiple Credit notes against this invoice by tapping on 'Create Credit/Debit Note' button.

How to Download JioGST Bill Lite?

Bill Lite is a software product built by JioGST

How to create Invoice cum Bill of Supply in JioGST Bill Lite

Creating Invoice cum Bill of Supply in JioGST Bill Lite

To create Invoice cum Bill of Supply tap on 'Documents' tab in the Home page and select 'Generate Document' option

You will be taken to the Generate Document screen. On this page fill the below mentioned details:
1. Document type: 
Select the type of document you want to create from the drop-down. Using JioGST Bill Lite you can create Invoices, Bill of Supply & Invoice cum Bill of Supply.
For creating Invoice cum Bill of Supply select 'Invoice cum Bill of Supply' option.

2. Select GSTIN:
Select GSTIN from the drop down against which you want to create the Invoice. Dropdown will have the list of all the added GSTIN's from your account.

3. Document date:
Select the date against which you want to create the Invoice cum Bill of Supply from the calendar.

4. Document for:
In JioGST Bill Lite, Invoice cum Bill of Supply can be created for Goods/Services. Select one of the option.

 5. Goods/Services sold through Ecommerce operator:
If the goods/services are sold through e-commerce operator select this option. You will also have to enter the GSTIN of the E-commerce operator.

6. Reverse Charge applicable:
If the document attracts reverse charge select this option.

7. Document Period:
If the Invoice cum Bill of Supply is created for Services than you need to fill the time period for which the service was delivered. If it is for Goods, you wont see this option.

8. Customer Name/ Mobile No.
Enter the first few alphabets/digits of the Name/Mobile No. of the customer against which you want to create this Invoice cum Bill of Supply.
Please ensure you have added Customer in the customer master. If no customer is added in the customer master you will first have to add a customer and then create Invoice cum Bill of Supply.

To add a customer in the Customer Master read blog:

9. Make Shipping Address same as Billing address
By default this option will be checked, in case your Shipping address is not same as Billing Address uncheck the check box.
A list of the below mentioned fields will appear on screen:

  • Ship to Customer Name: Enter the name of the customer to whom the Goods/Services will be shipped
  • Ship to Address: Enter the address where the Goods/Services needs to be shipped
  • Ship to Pin code: Enter the Pin-code for the above mentioned address
  • Ship to City, Place of Supply: Both these fields will be auto-populated based on the entered pin-code in the above field
10. Bill Method:
Select the Billing method from the drop-down. Billing method can be either 'Quantity based' or 'Lump sum' 

11. Add Goods:
Tap on the add icon/Add Goods. The below mentioned fields will appear on screen.
To create Invoice cum Bill of Supply for Goods/Services, atleast one Good/Service must be added in the Goods/Service master catalogue. 

 To add Goods in the Goods Catalogue master read blog:

To add Services in the Services catalogue master read blog:

  • Goods Name: Select the Goods form the drop-down. You will get the list of all the added Goods from the Goods master here.
  • Unit of Measurement: This will be auto-populated form the Goods Master based on the Goods you select.
  • Quantity: Enter the quantity you want to sell for the selected goods.
  • Amount: This field will be auto-calculated based on the values you provide in the above 'Quantity' field and the 'Goods rate' mentioned in the Goods master for this good/product
  • Cess: Enter the cess against this product
  • Discount: Discount provided if any against this product can be entered in this field.
    After filling the above details tap on 'Add' button. The added good will be seen on screen, you can also Edit or Delete this Good by clicking on respective icons besides it.
    For adding Multiple Goods within this Invoice cum Bill of Supply tap on 'Add' button.
12. Additional Charges: 
Additional charges if any can be included against this Invoice cum Bill of Supply by tapping on Additional Charges or the add icon.
Select the additonal charge from the drop down. A list of all the added additional charges from the Additional Charges master will be displayed.

If no additional charge is added in the master than you will first have to add one in the Additional Charge Master.

To add additional Charges in the Additional Charge master read this post:

Amount will be auto-populated from the master. You can even edit the amount value.
Once the above details are filled, tap on Add button. You can also add multiple additional charges in a single Invoice cum Bill of Supply. All the added additional charges will appear on screen.

13. Footer Note:
Footer Note is field where you can mention other details like Bank Account Number, Mobile No for your customers.

Once all the above details are filled, you can tap on 'Preview Final Invoice cum Bill of Supply' button to preview it before creation.

You will be taken to the 'Preview' screen.
On this page the final Invoice cum Bill of Supply will be displayed. All the tax rates and calculation will be done automatically.

Once verified you can create the Invoice cum Bill of Supply by tapping on 'Send Invoice cum Bill of Supply' button at the bottom of the page. In case you want to make some changes tap on 'Edit' button

A pop-up of Terms & Conditions would appear on screen. On tapping 'Send Bill of Supply' it will be created and an email with the pdf of Invoice cum Bill of Supply will be sent to the customer as well as to your email id.

You will now see a pop-up displaying the Invoice cum Bill of Supply Id.
The Invoice cum Bill of Supply has been created successfully. Click on 'OK' button

You can check the Invoice cum Bill of Supply you just created in the 'Document History' option under 'Documents Management' tab. 
Document Number of all the Invoices/Bill of Supply/Invoice cum Bill of Supply generated will be displayed on this screen.

How to Download JioGST Bill Lite?

Bill Lite is a software product built by JioGST